Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The time throughout the holidays seemed to pass really quickly and now it's middle of February! This is my second transfer, or seventh week, in Tacoma and Sister Mayfield's second area in the mission. She previously served in Silverdale, where Sister Brendlinger is now serving. It's taken longer than I thought for me to adjust to being in Tacoma; it's completely different than any area I've been before. Something I really love about being in a city is that there are always people to talk to and places to go! When I was in Elma, I was there so long that I knew the employees at the stores and began to see people around town that we'd tracted into (Elma's population is about 3,000).

One of my favorite converts while in Elma was Will. His baptism was truly a miracle -- a string of many miracles! Through teaching Will, I learned a lot of things about myself and about how to learn spiritual things. I learned that a knowledge of the scriptures and a faith in Jesus Christ does not come easily; it did not come easy for Will and didn't for me either, even though I had many more years to learn than he did. Early in my mission my fragile faith was challenged and tested many times, but because of prayer and obedience to that which I felt was right, Heavenly Father brought me through onto higher ground. God prepared me to teach Will and to help bridge the gap in his spiritual journey. I felt the Spirit assist me multiple times in teaching Will and know that God also prepared him in just the same way He prepared me.

A bishop from one of the wards I served in in Sequim, my first area, came to transfer meeting yesterday. He told me that the DePrati family is progressing incredibly well and that they are preparing to go to the temple together this spring! Soon as I learn what day they'll be going I can make plans to go with them. The DePratis are a family that we tracted into and taught and they were all baptized shortly after, the father baptizing his two children. It was an incredible opportunity for me to be a part of their conversion!

Sister Mayfield and I are teaching a man named Ted..he is incredible! He is at a point in his life where he knows he needs to do something..anything..else than what he's tried before to find happiness and finally the gospel is making a difference in his life that nothing else could. He felt the significant power of prayer as he asked Heavenly Father to help lift his burdens. Ted's baptism is planned for March 6th.
Love you all very much,

Sister Gracie Luke

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